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What type of irrigation loses the most water to evaporation?

Are you looking to give your outdoor area a much-needed hydration boost, but are worried you’ll lose precious water to evaporation? You’ve come to the right place!

All plants require water to thrive. Installing a high-quality irrigation system not only adds to the aesthetics of your flora and fauna, it adds to the value of your property.

The different types of irrigation methods

Whether you wish to invest in flood, sprinkler, or drip options, there are many different irrigation water systems on the market to choose from.

At Love Irrigation, we pride ourselves on providing a wide range of outdoor irrigation systems, all of which promise to increase the health and appearance of your outdoor areas. For more information, get in touch with us today!

Sprinkler irrigation

When in use, sprinklers distribute water in a uniform method, mirroring the effect of natural rainfall. Sprinkler irrigations are a popular form of irrigation for yards as well as farms. For a yard, a sprinkler irrigation can be unobtrusive, popping out of the grass only when necessary to conserve water and to maintain the beauty of a smooth, green grass carpet.

Flood irrigation

Often referred to as the ‘inundation irrigated’ process, this method intentionally floods specified land, or a field, with a mass of water. The result? A saturated soil surface.

Once this process has been completed, crops can continue to thrive on natural rainfall alone, providing they have received the correct dose of fertilizer. This will make sure the soil and plants have enough nutrients.

Flood irrigation is not recommended for yards, as it can result in uprooted grass and muddy spaces.

Drip irrigation

Drip or trickle irrigation comes in the shape of a focused method, whereby water droplets are distributed at a lower flow rate, directly onto the root of the plant or crop. This is a much more environmentally-friendly process and one answer to evaporation-loss.

What type of irrigation system loses the most water due to evaporation?

There are several irrigation methods on the market, with sprinklers being the most evaporation-prone. Why? These cover a vast amount of ground, projecting water through the air.

The evaporation loss is contingent on three factors: time, the climate demand, and the exact surface area of the spray. To avoid evaporation, water slowly!

How to achieve efficient irrigation

Innovative irrigation use can boost the efficiency of water distribution. It also proves an economic benefit, as efficient surface irrigation lessens environmental stresses.

There are numerous other ways to increase efficiency, including adding a smart water controller or a rain shut-off switch to your system.

Other methods include replacing sprinkler systems with high-efficiency nozzles and ensuring regular maintenance is carried out. Leaks and holes can massively affect the efficiency of your irrigation system.

Here at Love Irrigation, we have the tools and materials on hand to fix any system repair issues you may encounter. We use commercial parts to ensure long-term, quality fixes.

Another option? Replace any traditional systems with shrub and tree areas, as well as furrow and planting beds, with a drip irrigation method. Drip irrigation targets plant roots with a direct and slow stream of water, often embracing micro-sprinklers and micro-spray jets.

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